Horseback Riding Engagement
It’d be an understatement to say that 2021 was a whirlwind. While we managed to stay on top of editing and delivering galleries, some things had to be triaged. Which means that we’re now going to take a short trip back in time to late September when we met up with Ciara and Jonathan for their horseback riding engagement session.
When Ciara and Jonathan hopped on the phone with me to talk ideas, they had already discussed it and come up with their top choice: horseback riding. Now, we’ve had the word “horses” jotted down on our photo bucket list for quite a while, but we hadn’t figured out anything other than a vague “let’s do something with horses.” It felt like a sign from above.
As much as engagement sessions can be a little bit nerve-racking for couples, photographing horses is similarly nerve-racking for us. I grew up in Montana and was taught a healthy level of respect for the creatures. They’re big and each one has its own personality, including its own level of skittishness around strangers or flashing lights. (Plus, when I was 6, my aunt’s horse bucked me off and I’ve never forgotten it.)
Ciara’s uncle was kind enough to allow us to use his horses for the engagement session. When we showed up to his ranch in Greeley, we met some of the most well-behaved horses I’ve ever seen (owned by some of the kindest humans I’ve ever met). So Ciara and Jonathan saddled up, Jesse and I shot away, and LJ the corgi supervised. And to put the cap on an already perfect day, we were treated to an absolutely breathtaking sunset.
Ciara and Jonathan, we had such a great time getting to know you two. Next September can’t come soon enough!
Alt Sessions are perfect for engagement sessions, but they can be anything you want them to be! We’ve done day-before, day-after, and anniversary sessions. Add them on to your package at any point!